Improving Access And Rational Use Of Paediatric Medicines (Paper Presentation)

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Pharm (Dr.) Evbade Arigbe-Osula FPSN, FPCPharm, JP



  • Globally early nine million children under five years of age die every year, with pneumonia, diarrhea, and
    neonatal causes being the major killers [1]

  • Many of these conditions could be treated with safe, effective medicines.

  • On he other hand, irrational use of the available drugs has led to adverse drug reactions and drug resistance
    to the usual pathogens and infections by unusual organisms

  • Promotion of appropriate and safe drugs in children is the need of the hour globally.

  • WHO states that he ideal children medicine is one that suits the age, physiological condition, and body weight of
    the child taking them and is available in a flexible solid oral dosage form that can be taken whole, dissolved in a
    variety of liquids, or sprinkled on foods, making it easie for children to take [2]

  • Pediatric population by itself is a spectrum of different physiologies with significant variation in

  • 50 0% of drugs used in children today have never been actually studied in this population, and the results of drug
    studies done in adults are often extrapolated for use in children.

  • Many medicines in pediatric population are off label or unlicensed [3


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Article Details

How to Cite
Arigbe-Osula, E. (2013). Improving Access And Rational Use Of Paediatric Medicines: (Paper Presentation). West African Journal of Pharmacy, 24(1).
Author Biography

Pharm (Dr.) Evbade Arigbe-Osula FPSN, FPCPharm, JP

On The Occasion Of The 25 Annual General Meeting, Scientific Symposium And 55 Council
Meeting Of The West African Postgraduate College Of Pharmacists
(Wapcp), Freetown, Sierra Leone,
11th – 15th March, 2013.

How to Cite

Arigbe-Osula, E. (2013). Improving Access And Rational Use Of Paediatric Medicines: (Paper Presentation). West African Journal of Pharmacy, 24(1).



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