Effect of calcium carbide induced ripening on the vitamin C and mineral composition of banana (Musa acuminata) and papaya (Carica papaya) fruits sourced from Benin city, Nigeria.
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Background: Due to increase in demand of banana fruits, vendors have resulted to hastening the ripening process by subjecting unripe fruits to the action of calcium carbide.
Objectives: The study sought to investigate the possible effect of calcium carbide induced fruit ripening on the vitamin C and mineral composition of banana and papaya fruits.
Methods: Two types of fruits (banana and papaya) were ripened using calcium carbide, while fruits in the control group were allowed to ripen naturally. The vitamin C content of the fruits was determined by iodometric titration; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and Flame Spectrophotometry were used in the determination of mineral elements (sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium).
Results: The vitamin C content of calcium carbide ripened banana and papaya fruits was found to be 4.5mg/ml and 2.78mg/ml respectively. Vitamin C content was lower in the calcium carbide ripened fruits than in the fruits that were allowed to ripen naturally. The sodium, potassium and magnesium concentrations in the calcium carbide ripened banana and papaya fruits were found to be lower than those of the control. The concentration of calcium in the calcium carbide ripened banana and papaya fruits was found to be lower (5.30±0.01) in the case of papaya and higher (3.05±0.35) in banana fruit when compared with those of the control which ripened naturally.
Conclusion: Artificial ripening causes harmful effects on the body and also affects the nutritional quality of fruits. Thus the use of artificial ripening agents must be strictly monitored and controlled.
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