Evaluation of outpatient prescriptions in a University-based healthcare facility in Ibadan
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Background: Appropriate drug utilization has a huge contribution to global reduction in morbidity and mortality. Periodic review of prescriptions at all levels of care is therefore essential.
Objective: To evaluate drug prescription pattern and practice in a university-based healthcare facility using the WHO-core prescribing indicators.
Method: A retrospective review of randomly selected outpatient prescriptions in the pharmacy unit of the University of Ibadan Health Services between 2012 and 2014 was done. Pre-piloted data collection form was used to retrieve data based on standard prescription specifications including socio-demographics, drug name and dosage regimen, and prescriber identity. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the data.
Results: A total of 4,121 medicines were reviewed in 1200 encounters. Of these, 589 (49.1%) were prescribed for males and 611 (50.9%) for females. Patients' ages were indicated in 388 (32.3%) prescriptions (mean age =17.7years). Summary of WHO-core prescribing indicators showed the average number of medicines per encounter as 3.4, medicine prescribed by generic name (2,533; 61.5%), encounter with one or more antibiotics and injections (427; 35.6%) and (150; 12.5%), respectively.
Conclusion: Polypharmacy, low generic prescribing and overuse of antibiotics is common underscoring the need for ongoing enlightment and training of healthcare providers on rational prescribing practice and drug use.
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