Characterization of modified tiger nut (<i>Cyperus esculentus</i>) starches: mechanical, compaction and drug release properties
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Background: Starch is a biopolymer generally used as excipient in drug formulations due to its availability, affordability, biocompatibility, inertness and biodegradability.
Objective: This study evaluated the mechanical, compaction and compressibility characteristics of modified starches from Cyperus esculentustubers in directly compressed metronidazole tablet formulations.
Methods: The native starch extracted by maceration in water was modified via acid hydrolysis (ACS), pregelatinization (PCS) and enzyme hydrolysis (ECS). The modified starches were used in formulating metronidazole tablets at various compression pressures by direct compression. Their powder blends were assessed using the Kawakita model whereas the tablets were assessed for mechanical (crushing and tensile strengths) and compaction (Heckel model) properties in comparison with tablets prepared with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC).
Results: Kawakita analysis revealed that ECS powder exhibited the highest compressibility and also the least cohesive. ECS-based tablets showed acceptable mechanical properties and also had the fastest onset of plastic deformation with low mean yield pressure value (Py (62.79 MN/m2)) and inverse measure of plastic deformation value (Pk (3.344)).
Conclusion: Enzyme hydrolysis of C. esculentus starch resulted in a filler/binder modified product with direct compressibility property, which may be a substitute to microcrystalline cellulose in direct compression of tablets.
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