Knowledge of caregivers of febrile children about fever, paracetamol use and paracetamol induced hepatic toxicity in Lagos Nigeria.
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Background: Fever is as a result of immune response to many pathogens. Paracetamol is widely and irrationally used at home for treatment of fever in children before presentation at the health facility but it is not clear whether caregivers are aware of the toxicity that can result from non-rational use of paracetamol.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of fever, the use of paracetamol, and paracetamol induced hepatic toxicity amongst caregivers of febrile children.
Methods: This was a prospective descriptive study in which we interviewed two hundred and ten caregivers who brought febrile children to Onwusikawa Children's Medical Center Okota Lagos over a period of one year (Jan 2013- Dec 2013). A pretested closed ended questionnaire was used to collect data on the use of paracetamol, knowledge about fever, and toxicity of paracetamol during routine clerking.
Result: Paracetamol in both syrup and tablet formulations was administered by the study population to febrile children before presentation in hospital . Majority of the respondents (61%) knew fever as an increase in body temperature. About 8% of those interviewed gave paracetamol to their children including neonates almost on a daily basis to prevent fever or because they felt the baby especially the head was hot. Ninety five percent of all respondents were not aware that paracetamol could cause adverse effects while 98% did not know that paracetamol could cause hepatic toxicity.
Conclusion: The knowledge regarding toxicity of paracetamol was poor. It is proposed that education of caregivers by health workers on dangers of paracetamol misuse should be routine. Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture paracetamol for children must provide a risk management plan.
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