Complementary and alternative medicine use among ambulatory diabetes patients in a South-Western tertiary hospital in Nigeria
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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease with an increasing incidence and prevalence worldwide while complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an emerging aspect in DM management. The use of CAM among DM patients has not been widely studied in Nigeria.
Objectives: To study the prevalence and pattern of use of CAM and to identify reasons for their use among DM patients in a University Teaching Hospital in South-Western Nigeria.
Method: Semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 119 diabetes patients. Socio-demographic data, prescribed medications, pattern of CAM use and patient's disclosure of CAM were documented. Data was organized using SPSS statistics version 20 and analysis was done using chi-square test.
Result: A response rate of 95% was obtained. Age range of study participants was 40-90 years with 72.6% above 60years of age. Duration of use of DM medication among patients ranged from 4 months to 33 years. The prevalence rate of CAM use was 69% with biological based therapies being the only form of CAM used. Patients who had been on DM medication for more than 4 years made up 75.3% of CAM users and used more CAM combinations. Patients were introduced to CAM mainly by friends (41%) and neighbours (38.5%). Only 9% of CAM users told their physicians about their use of CAM.
Conclusion: CAM is becoming an important aspect in the management of DM which should be studied and explored. Healthcare practitioners need to be open-minded about the use of CAM so as to give adequate information to help patients make informed decision for the goal of achieving better therapeutic outcomes.
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